NotePad++ Supports 54 Programming Languages

Monday, 9 January 2012
I have tried a number of different NotePad freeware clones (like TextPad, ConTEXT, NotePad2, etc.), but the best that one that I found is NotePad++. NotePad++ currently provides syntax highlighting for 54 programming languages, including VB, C-Sharp, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and SQL.

Get Inspired by Bill Gates

Monday, 9 January 2012
One little known fact about Bill Gates is that he scored 1590 on the SAT test, where a perfect score is 1600.  It was not just an accident that he got to be where is today.

In April 2010, Gates was invited to visit and speak at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In the speech that he delivered, he asked the students to take on the hard problems of the world.  You can read more about the event by clicking here or you can watch the 15-minute video below where he  is interviewed by a student.

Bill Gates interview by MIT student April 2010

Download library of 200+ Code Samples

Monday, 9 January 2012
Download 200+ highly organized code samples with a single click of the mouse. Each sample includes an explanation of the syntax involved.

This library can become a programmer's expanding toolkit that will rapidly increase productivity over time. Progress Monitor members can always download the latest version of this growing library as a single file.

Install LinqPad and do LinqPad 5-minute induction under Samples

Monday, 9 January 2012
LinqPad comes with 100s of great LINQ samples. Work through the 5-minute induction under the Samples section after installing Low Impact version of LinqPad 4.0.

Get Inspired By Anders Hejlsberg

Monday, 9 January 2012
Anders Hejlsberg is the chief architect for C# at Microsoft. The first video I watched on .NET programming featured Anders Hejlsberg.  He has a very charming personality and can explain complicated topics in simple terms.

VB.Net vs C-Sharp

Saturday, 7 January 2012
VB.Net vs C-Sharp Comparison is a very concise reference for commands you use every day. Print it out, hang it on the wall where it will not get lost, and use it every day.

Visual Basic .NET
Visual C# .NET
Case sensitive
Not case sensitive:
Case sensitive:
//Error Response.Write("Yo"); 
// OK
Functional blocks
Use beginning and ending statements to declare functional blocks of code:
Sub Show(strX as String)
End Sub
Use braces to declare functional blocks of code:
void Show (string strX)
Type conversion

Implicit type conversions are permitted by default:
Dim intX As Integer
intX = 3.14  ' Permitted
You can limit conversions by including an Option Strict On statement at the beginning of modules
Type conversions are performed explicitly by casts:
int intX;
intX = 3.14; // Error!
intX = (int)3.14; //Cast, OK
Or, use type conversion methods:
string strX;
strX = intX.ToString();
Array elements are specified using parentheses:
arrFruit(1) = "Apple"
Array elements are specified using square brackets:
arrFruit[1] = "Apple";
MethodsStatement termination
Statements are terminated by carriage return:
Statements are terminated by the semicolon (;):
Statement continuation

Statements are continued using the underscore (_):
intX = System.Math.Pi * _
Statements continue until the semicolon (;) and can span multiple lines if needed:
intX = System.Math.PI * 
String operator
Use the ampersand (&) or plus sign (+) to join strings:
strFruit = "Apples" & _
  " Oranges"
Use the plus sign (+) to join strings:
strFruit = "Apples" + 
  " Oranges";
Comparison operatorsUse =, >, <, >=, <=, <> to compare values:
If intX >= 5 Then
Use ==, >, <, >=, <=, != to compare values:
if (intX >= 5)
Use the Not keyword to express logical negation:
If Not IsPostBack Then
Use the ! operator to express logical negation:
if (!IsPostBack)
Object comparison

Use the Is keyword to compare object variables:
If objX Is objY Then
Use == to compare object variables:
if (objX == objY)
Object existence
Use the Nothing keyword or the IsNothing function to check if an object exists:
If IsNothing(objX) Then
Use the null keyword to check if an object exists:
if (objX == null)